If you know me in Real Life, there’s a pretty good change I’ve spammed you with fun / interesting random links I’ve found on the internet. (I’m not sorry.) Instead of starting a Patreon like everybody else on the internet, you can have all my fun reads here, for free! Ya welcome.
Black Holes are emo as hell
Screamo solos into the void of space. Naturally.
Taiwanese Laundromat Fashion Influencers
I had no idea how to make this a catchy, non-clickbaity sounding title. A Taiwanese couple in their 80s decided to start dressing up in clothes left at their laundromat, and now they’re insta-famous.
Honestly, I could only wish to be this cool.
The true Crisis of 2020: The Bucatini Shortage
The fact that this wasn’t covered in the 24-hour news cycle means it’s a conspiracy. Obviously.
Millennials Kill another Industry
The Feds couldn’t bring down the Mafia, but apparently millennials are doing a great job.
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